Tuesday, August 21, 2012

last minute littles.

As of today, we've got THREE DAYS until the arrival of our little! Basically two days, since the surgery is so early on Friday. But it wasn't until today that I noticed we only have a handful of burping cloths, which even I know isn't enough for the spit up we'll be dealing with. So, I had a nice little sewing day with Caroline! Fabric shopping didn't take too long, and I really rocked the sewing machine! Thanks to my friend Melissa for the fabulous idea, I made 4 more burping cloths. Its very rewarding to know that I worked so hard on something for my baby, so he'll be looking real stylish...which does include burping cloth style.

The fabrics I chose for the cloths.

Backside of the cloth before the sewing took place.

Sewing time! 

The result! Not the best picture, but they are super soft and super cute. Definitely more pictures to come once the little man is here (and putting them to use). 


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