My baby is three months today! How time flies. He is such a little man now, and I am very lucky to be able to watch him grow every single day. He is almost at the point of holding up his head. Dangerously close. He is also a smiling machine! Smiles all day! Particularly loves smiling at people sticking out tongues. He also loves pulling mama's hair. He is starting to take interest in his toys and is starting to try and grab them. Its so hard to believe that its already been three months, because I really can replay the moment he was born in my head as though it happened yesterday. But, I am a very lucky mama to have such an amazing son. Happy three months, baby!

For Mason's three month birthday, we decorated my parents house. Put up the (fake) tree, and hung up some lights on the roof. My sister is also in town from Oakland, and she hadn't seen Mason since he was born so it was super nice to have her here. Unfortunately she leaves tomorrow, but will be back in about two weeks : ) Tomorrow Matt, Mason and I will go shopping for a (REAL!) Christmas tree! Can't wait!
P.S. My giant kitten, Kiwi.
Aw, these photos are precious! Just found your blog via My Little Mustache and had to stop and say congrats to you on your growing babe!
ReplyDelete@kendra- Thank you! And your babe is ADORABLE!